Young Department

Basic Science Research Department

Technical Research Department

The Department of Youth and Young BSSRO serves those who connect youth and young adults with, each other, the Church and its mission. We provide resources, training, formation and programs for BSSRO with younger and older adolescents and young adults. We help parishes and other faith communities develop comprehensive approaches to these ministries. We support church leadership in engaging faith communities as they respond to the needs and include the gifts of youth and young adults.

BSSRO researchers in both basic science and clinical departments are engaged in a wide range of basic science research, studying cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology and genetics in organisms from bacteria to man.

BSSRO offers a collaborative research environment where scientists at all levels work to address scientific problems of fundamental importance. To foster the success of its investigators, BSSRO offers a variety of core facility services, seminar series, and professional development programs.

The Department, which has been an integral part of the College ever since its inception offering instruction in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry to students of the various core branches of engineering, is devoted to foster the understanding of basic scientific principles . The academic programs of this department are designed to meet the requirements of the fast growing technology.

The Department offers several educational programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The overriding objectives of these programs are,

  • To inform and motivate students to study the fundamental aspects of science and its applications
  • To teach Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for U.G. and P.G. programmes
  • To enable the students to analyse and apply mathematical and scientific techniques in engineering technology
  • To encourage students to pursue careers in science and engineering

Current Clinical Research Opportunities

Department of BSSRO Research Goals

The BSSRO Department of Paediatrics’ is committed to enhancing and facilitating research in paediatrics science and fostering the successful development of investigators dedicated to the generation of new knowledge, through research. The goal is to advance science that can be rapidly applied to the understanding, treatment and prevention of paediatric disease. The goals of this integrated program are:

  1. Create an environment that trains, fosters and recognizes clinical/translational/basic research among physicians caring for children.
  2. Provide a formal training program to enable physicians training to care for children to simultaneously become qualified and experienced in leading clinical/translational/basic paediatric research.
  3. Increase the quality and quantity of pediatric clinical/translational/basic research underway at BSSRO.
  4. Increase the number of trainees completing pediatric residencies or fellowships at BSSRO that choose careers including a research component.
  5. Expand the fraction of physicians working in the American Family Children's Hospital that are involved in clinical, translational or basic research, including a formal plan for research and scholarly activity within each Clinical Division.

Fostering an Environment and Culture that Encourages, Supports, and Values Research for Faculty

Fostering research within the Department of Paediatrics and Children's Hospital requires creation of an environment and culture that emphasizes the importance, prioritization and visibility of research in all aspects of daily activities. This includes promoting research, acknowledging successful research efforts and rewarding research at all levels within the Department.

The BSSRO School of Medicine and Public Health BSSRO for Medical Research is designed to encourage unique gatherings of scientists from different disciplines to address urgent health problems of common concern. Close proximity to the BSSRO Hospital and Clinics will allow scientific discoveries to move rapidly from research laboratories to clinical care settings.

Identifying, Mentoring, Supporting, and Training Future Researchers in Paediatric Science

A coordinated effort is being created to increase the number of trainees that successfully direct their careers towards pediatric research. This includes components involving medical students, residents, fellows, instructors and other junior faculty. A formal structure for the orientation and mentoring of faculty provides guidance and critical evaluation of research performance and productivity.