Software Development Training

Software developers create computer applications or systems software. According to the IEEE Computer Society, software development is distinct from software engineering in its emphasis on the iterative process of developing software rather than the initial research and design phase. Developers are involved with a software product from start to finish, identifying user requirements and operational specifications, coding the program's components and testing the product.

  • Applications developers often work on a team, developing specialized utilities and end-user apps in collaboration with database developers.
  • Systems developers produce software for operating systems, including compilers and network distribution programs.

As the high-tech sector matures, the role of software developers is evolving. While all developers apply the principles of computer science and mathematical analysis to the creation of computer programs, this discipline takes many forms in practice.

Many developers specialize in a specific type of program, such as systems software, productivity applications, enterprise software, mobile apps or computer games. The required skill set depends in part on the developer's specialization. Developers who create enterprise intelligence, modeling and integration applications, for example, may rely on SAS programming expertise. Mobile app developers may need to be familiar with Java or C++. Work methodologies also differ by specialty; some developers work within a waterfall process model, while others are skilled in so-called agile or "extreme" models.

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phases of software development:

  • Identification of required software
  • Analysis of the software requirements
  • Detailed specification of the software requirements
  • Software design
  • Programming
  • Testing
  • Maintenance

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