Communications & information

About the Communications & information OF BSSRO

Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering is an international journal, which aims to promote diffusion of information science, computer science and engineering, information engineering and application, and management engineering through setting a platform for educators to share their experience. Scholars from all relevant academia fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest research results or innovations. Besides, all submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts from the same research fields.

Communication technologies are the transfer of information. The technology increases the ways in which information can be communicated, the total volume that can be handled at any one time and the speed of transmission. Communication technology is also known as information technology and information and communications technology. It is the merging of telephone, computer networks and as well as audio visual networks. The technology allows for great advances in the field of communication. Types of communication technology are telephone, radio, television and Internet. The Internet is highly used in communications because of the efficiency and convenience.

Capabilities of the internet include emails, video calls, phone calls and forums. Assignment help, project help, homework help and all other possible help are available on We offer proper documentation and online tutorial service for students who wish to learn the Communication Technologies.Capabilities of the internet include emails, video calls, phone calls and forums. Assignment help,

Different types of Communication Technologies:

  • 1. Mobile phones,
  • Internet (emails) Skype.
  • PDA (personal digital assistant) face book, Msn.
  • Radio.
  • TV.
  • Text.
  • Fax.